Wednesday 6 March 2019

10 ways to control population growth in Pakistan

10 ways to control population growth in Pakistan
10 ways to control population growth in Pakistan
The current population of Pakistan is about 208 million however from 1998, it has increased by about 57 percent. There’re advantages and the disadvantages that happen to the explosion of population. It has been noticed that the population in the schools, hospitals, offices are increasing day by day. 
The purpose behind the increase of population is to provide a large number of individuals. These individuals play a great role in increasing the economy of the country. More educated people means a huge increase in the welfare of the country. 
A large population will contribute more towards the making of national departments like army, police, air force. More engineers and doctors will appear in the country and as a result, the country will make more earnings. No doubt, there’re many harmful effects behind the increase in the population. Here are some tips that guide how to control the population in Pakistan. 
More Breeding 
More breeding will automatically lead to more children. A large number of children will play a strong role in the education system of Pakistan. These children will build the currency of the country and more competition will occur among the students. This competition plays a great role in moving children toward positive professions.
Make the cheap maternity care systems 
If the maternity care and all the medicines of the pregnancy will be cheap then it’ll become easy for the people to increase their generation. They’ll find no burden in leading the generation.
Many people of Pakistan have no idea about family planning – they are not used to the term “bachay do hi achay. Due to lack of knowledge of family planning, the population is growing rapidly in Pakistan. The population can be controlled in Pakistan if people are aware of family planning.
Stop the use of condoms or birth control pills 
If the use of the condom and the birth control pills get rare then automatically the population of Pakistan will increase.  Therefore the government should ban on condoms or birth control pills.
Promote the self-dependency at the very young age 
If the government or all the public tries to promote the self-dependency in children then automatically they’ll move towards growing a well-educated generation. No one will depend on others and it’ll become easy for the students to get their earning at a very young age. 
Encourage good fertility programs through books 
Books are a very important source of providing a good education to mind. Through books try to promote fertility programs. 
Decrease poverty 
Poverty is the mother of all evils. if poverty gets vanished from the country then people will think about raising a good population. 
Increase the food supply and food growth 
Indulge more food factories and the growth of more raw foods so that everyone can enjoy a sufficient amount of food. This is one of the main tips on how to increase the population of Pakistan. 
The ban on child Marriages

The problem of child marriage is highly prominent in Pakistan.  If the ban on Child Marriage So population can decrease by 20%. Marriage at a tender age leads to a long span for giving birth. Also young age marriage devoid people of the education and awareness required to be sensitive towards and understand the consequences of raising too many children. A UN report has suggested that there would be a significant decline in world population if the legal for marriage is made 20 years.
Promote peace in the country 
The good environment always leads to good results. If the country will become a symbol of peace and more people will be in peace then all problems will get solved. 
Stop the wrong faults 
Some people move towards abortion or any other factors like killing the abnormal child. These are all immoral acts and they should be stopped. 
Promote the growth of business and jobs 
As there’ll be more jobs and number of business agencies then it’ll become easy for the individuals to survive in a good way. In this way, they’ll think about raising a good population. 

Read This: 10 Harmful Disadvantages of Internet 

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