Thursday 7 February 2019

Computer General Knowledge

 Computer General Knowledge

Half byte = 1nibble - Bit means Binary Digit - 1 byte - 1 byte - 1-kilobyte - A combination of 16 pieces are called word. A terabyte = 1 trillion byte - Our Personal Computer Belongs to 4th generation - Fred Cohen coined the term computer virus - Original computer virus was made in 1970 at Bell labs - WORM signifies Write Once Read Many - Electricity of a supercomputer is measured at FLOPS - WWW\/http: Was made by Tim Burner Lee at 1992 - Intel signifies Integrated Electronics - 1 worksheet comprises 256 columns - G.W.Basic G.W stands for Mid Way - Super Computer was made by J.H.Van Tassel - CORBA is a Common Object Request Broker Architecture - URL is Uniform or Universal Resource Locator - Intel devised Memory Chip - Information stored on disc as string of bumps on its shiny side. 

DVDs hold more info than CDs. They have two layers that are reflective and utilize bumps-. There are spots of color on the disc to change the laser light that is - In 1951 Univac 1 John Mauchly and J. Designed first computer, Presper Eckert. They built ENIAC, that the first electronic computer in 1946 - In 1968 mainframe was built. In 1976 first supercomputer that the Cray-1 was developed - In 1981 IBM produces the IBM PC. In 1998 IBM made quantum computer - Supercomputers use parallel boration - In 1974, computer games have been introduced. 

ROM is the abbreviation of programmable read-only memory. RAM is that the abbreviation of  Read Acces memory. What was that the worlds first high level programming language 1957: IBM FORTRAN - A JPEG is an image file format - what does JPEG stand for Joint Photographic Experts Group - During World War II, IBM built the computers the Nazis used to manage their death\/concentration camps - Registers are temporary memory areas within the CPU. Original Apple computer was built in a garage. The language of small talk is object-oriented. Shell is a working environment. Virtual memory is also known as a virtual page. NOS refers to OS for a network. 

In EBCDIC every character is indicated with 8 bits. Diodes are utilized in analog computer circuits as a limiter. Wetware stands for any organic intelligence. GIGO stands for trash in trash out. Application of flip flaps are counters, shift register, and transfer register. Bootstrap is associated with the computer. FORTRAN stands for formula translator. A group of character that's termed as a single entity is known as a word. Clip art is a pc prepared art. Mark sensing is just another term for OMR. Authorization to make multiple software copies is known as site licensing. Antivirus is also known as vaccines. Free software i

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