Friday 8 February 2019

Cultural Invasion Islamic and Western

      What is Culture?   
Cultural Invasion Islamic and Western
         Culture can be defined as the way of living of a tribe, a community or a nation. Various people have various cultures as we find in different parts of the world.
      Every culture can boast of some remarkable facets and can be criticized for some abominable aspects as well. Every individual likes his native culture to a large extent but sometimes, the contrary views become dominant. There has been the tug of war among strong cultures through centuries. Once Egyptian culture prevailed in a vast region; later on, Greek culture invaded the world and reached India along with Alexander the great the Iranian and the Roman forces and cultures have been in the battlefield for many centuries. The Arabian culture with its troops ruled over Africa and Asia. These invasions of cultures still sway the world. At present, the Islamic culture is at war with a western culture all over the world 

           The Islamic culture can rightfully feel pride in nourishing   a number of characteristics the most important of which is the faith in holy prophet (PBUH) and Allah the almighty .this faith works like a stem of a tree from which a lot of twigs of equality brotherhood, justice, honesty, confidence, peace, and prosperity grow up. If we cast a glance at the past of the Islamic culture, we find the holy prophet (PBUH)working side by side with common laborers in the construction of the Masjid-e-Nabi. We find him fighting in the battlefield and sitting in aetekaf in the mosque, he has not only the authority to issue orders but also the humility to present a practical precedent for his followers. we find his followers establishing praiseworthy instances in almost all the fields of life. Hazrat Abu Bakr  Siddique (R.A)  fetches water for the helpless dwellers of medina Tayyaiba. Hazrat Umer-e-Farooq (R.A) carries a heavy sack on his back to the house of a poor woman. Hazrat Usman-e Ghani(R.A)spends a very large amount on the welfare of society. Hazrat Ali-ul-Murtaza (R.A) forgives even his assassin. Such unique incidents are not a matter of imagination and fantasy but golden realities like the dignified shiny moon and sun. the Islamic society can boast of a  welfare society with a compact system if zakat And Sadat  In the reign of Hazrat Umar bin Aziz (R.A)The zakat distributors moved up in cities taking zakat in their hands but none accepted it because all of the people were prosperous.

       Modesty or “Haya” is the ornament of Islamic culture. Islam imposes proper “Purdha” of dress both males and females. Man is not an animal without any social or moral niceties. The Islamic dress makes a man more graceful aesthetically and safer physically.
         Holy Quran asserts
Cultural Invasion Islamic and Western
                                   And (Allah)forbids you from obscenity immodesty and evil. (AL-Nahl ) Islam has clear views about the matters involving sex like marriage. no free mixing of any type can be allowed in the name of broad-mindedness, personal independence or enlightened moderation, the holy prophet (PBUH)proclaimed
     No doubt, modesty is a component of faith
 To seek knowledge is the grace of Islamic culture . the first revelation speak thus
         Read in the name of Allah who created ‘affirms our statement
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) said
     O Allah increase my knowledge! He further remarked: get knowledge from the lap of your mother to the grave. Thus, Illiteracy or lack of knowledge cannot be imagined in an Islamic society.
          Justice is the pure air of Islamic culture: that is the same for every individual either a king or slave. the Holy Prophet (PBUH) declared that if his own daughter Fatima (R.A) had committed the theft, her hands would have been truncated. The same punishment or fine for all the individuals of society is not a thing of common value but of the unique worth rather an example for the world. Women are the safest in the Islamic culture with their respective roles as daughters, wives mothers, and sisters. They enjoy their rights in inheritance society, law  etc
           Now, we cast a glance at the western culture. No doubt, it also has many values but it can never be equal to exemplary Islamic culture .obscenity has become the most prominent aspect of the society. Man is found full-dressed while women are shorn of proper dresses. NO sense of shame or modesty can be traced out in the western regions. Nightclubs invite young couples to enjoy their fill. Brothers are just like a tea hotel here, there and everywhere. The western wayward philosophers are following “Satan” under the freedom of man. But at last, they reached the valley of  ‘AIDS’. The bitter cries of this monster opened their eyes when they were stunned to find out the aftermath of their willfulness.
        The western so-called civilized, broadminded and well-educated editors are publishing derogatory sketches of the Prophet (PBUH) without in sense of remorse. Where are the torch-bearers the freedom of humanity and personal independence? If some woman wears a veil, she is struck off from the institute. Earlier they said that religion is a matter of the individual but now they don’t allow the individual to wear the dress after his desire. But in the case of obscenity and vulgarity, everything is fair and proper
          Drinking is another hallmark of western culture. The pubs can be visited day and night. All the medical assert the drinking is an unhealthy activity but here all these instructions fall flat on them. With an evil design to smear the blotless edifice of the Islamic culture, the architects of western culture have waged a cultural war against it through electronic and print media. They are orchestrating a corrosive militancy against the decency and modesty of the Islamic civilization by introducing through their movies, plays, programmes and journals the element of pornography on a grand scale. India Europe and America are in the vanguard to spread this wave of immodesty and indecency against the Muslims. By showing almost naked women and the free mixing of the opposite on the screen, they apparently present glamour but in actuality, they are trying successfully to take the Muslims far away from their religious values.
           The western culture has bright aspects too. Western people have worked wonders in the fields of science and technology. They have succeeded in landing on the moon and touching the bottom of the sea. They have given humanity so many facilities that it is difficult to count them. At present, they have given man computer and internet that are no less than powerful magic. The facility of mobile is being enjoyed by numberless dwellers of the world. No doubt, they have won laurels in this regard.

         They have stunned man in the field of medical science also. Artificial hearts are being planted instead of the natural ones. So many NGOs are serving all around the earth for the welfare and amelioration of humanity.

           Through net, they have launched a severe attack on the Muslim and eastern countries. They don’t transfer their technology to these backward regions but only pornography and waywardness. The young generation is very badly affected by the attack of sexual missiles. Muslim young men are readily ignoring the golden traditions and values of the Islamic society and following the western ones. As an instance, the widespread celebration of the valentine’s day can be quoted. Their dresses and shapes are readily converting like those of the western youth. They are ever enjoying themselves with headphones.

         Another dark aspect of western culture is meaninglessness. After getting countless facilities, they have been shorn of mental tranquility and they find no remedy to it. Faith or religion have been divorced from their houses. Religion can’t compel them to do or not to do anything because they are the gods for their own fate and fortune. They can accept something only when the practical results go against it.  Otherwise, their slogan is: eat, drink and be marry.

         Shortage of time has also assaulted the western colonies where every person is just a busy bee. They have no time for parents brothers and sisters and even for their own children. They can only enjoy some days annually and be contented. The pity is that all the vices of European and advanced countries have a radio-active on the Muslim and eastern countries but all the good values of Europe hesitate from migrating to backward eastern and especially Muslim countries.

          The need of the hour is that we must remain true Muslims and adopt the good values of the western culture so that we may also keep pace with the fast galloping chariot of the world. On the other hand, the entire psychic energy of non-believers is irrevocably canalized into the channels of damaging the Islamic culture while we are caring a fig for this invasion. Islam is a complete code with the light of guidance for every aspect of life. we must no be blinded like the western masses by the brightness of advancement of Europe but keep the string of development in our own hands and guide it to the safe refuge and umbrageous covert of Islam.

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