Sunday 17 February 2019

important Things You Should Know About History Of England.

History of England

History of England

Following the fall of the Ancient Rome Empire, various German tribes arrived in southern Britain. These tribes became the English and assimilated or displaced England's Celtic peoples to Wales, Cornwall and southern Scotland. Invasions were faced by them subsequently, and the Norman conquest of 1066, that introduced a ruling nobility who were to become wealthier with the English. Throughout the Middle Ages, the rulers of England defeated Wales, campaigned in Ireland, held lands that were huge and tried, but failed, to conquer Scotland. England and Scotland didn't finally combine until 1604 when James VI of Scotland announced of Great Brittaine, France and Ireland. 

This combination was a union, by virtue of having the monarch, and it was that Scotland and England combined their parliaments. In 1801, Another Act of Union made Ireland part of the Nation, and state being named the United Kingdom of Ireland and Great Britain. Britain was the first country and this, together with strong navy its dominance, and victory in the Napoleonic Wars, let it become the nation on earth across the twentieth century. As a result of its standing, Britain managed to establish a colonial empire which was to become the biggest empire ever
 William Shakespeare may have impressed many people with his poetry playwrights and acting. He made over a thousand words for the English language with words like eyeball diction swagger. England began its attempts at building an overseas Empire by establishing the Roanoke colony well this failed so the first successful colony was at Jamestown in Virginia named after the virgin queen. Francis Drake also completed his navigation around the world and John Hawkins began the English slave trade and Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up Parliament which is why fireworks are launched into the sky on bonfire night it's civil war time parliamentarians versus while and everyone is juggling sides until Parliament wins.Charles is executed and Oliver Cromwell dissolves the monarchy Cromwell's child couldn't keep the soldiers happy so the monarchy was soon restored. England took Jamaica from Spain and New Amsterdam from the Dutch which became New York and own nose of fire in London anyway. England eventually entered a golden age of exploration naval triumphs poetry music and literature. England got a scientific great person Isaac Newton who discovered gravity and Scotland was doing their own thing colonizing Nova Scotia and losing it to the French so finally the active Union United the kingdoms of England and Scotland becoming Great Britain.

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